Tag Archives: expectations


Don’t we all have them? Big small or small, realistic, unrealistic, secret or known, we still got them.

Mary expected to get that job power raising job immediately she graduated from college with her first-class honors. It’s been 5 years of tarmacking.

John expected to marry his high school sweetheart, but things went sore when Josie met with an out-of-town insurance salesperson on a Friday night during karaoke night at Old Billy’s….they now have 5 children. John is still hopeful Josie will come back.

The congregation of Reverend Tom expected him to beat the cancer. After all, wasn’t he a powerful man of God? Performing miracles? Laying hands on the sick? Their faith was shaken when he passed on to glory on that chilly Saturday night on 4th July.

Am not trying to be sadistic….

Mrs. Johnstone prayed for 15 years for his only son, Jimmie to turn back from drugs and women. She hadn’t seen for 7 years. One bright Sunday afternoon from women’s prayer circle, she found her boy on the front porch. He never explained what prompted him to change, but Mrs. Johnstone knew he finally met her Jesus. He is now married to smiley Rose and help in church over and above the duty of a good Christian.

After five failed IVFs and a near divorce, the Bates are now expecting their third child. Mary is dreading the labor pains but can’t wait to hold her baby. Apparently, little ‘Mr. Bates’ were slow and confused in movement although Mary’s eggs were ripe, well-rounded and as fertile as a 20-something year old.

After 10 years of being taken round by government officials, Mr. Kings was fully given his pension funds at 85 years. He almost had a heart attack! He was now able to marry his 65-year-old little bride AND MADE DECENT WOMAN OUT OF HER!

So, should be have expectations or not?

Am not an expert on all things life but am still going to have my personal expectations, with an open mind and with the flexibility of a hellcat. If I don’t get what I want, I will change what I want. I will appreciate and celebrate what I have now as I expect better things in the future. I will review my expectations to near reality but leave room for life to surprise and throw me some bones. Prepare for the worst but expect the best sort of thing.

‘’For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11